4 simple steps to get it right!
Stage 1: Create the Vision
Build a compelling and inspiring vision of the future, to which leaders are committed. Define a clear strategy and path for achieving it.
The Vision Process
Creating your vision has a process and a set of starting conditions and ending conditions. Creating the vision is focused on how you move from point A to point B and everything in-between. This typically happens in 3 phases:
1. Preparation
The process starts with preparing the organisation and the employees. Helping those stakeholders understand the needs for the impending transition and outline your vision for achieving this.
2. Implementation
How is the vision going to be implemented with the overarching organisations vision for the future.
3. Follow-Through
Ensuring the implemented vision is still being utilised and becomes a part of the organisations culture.
Stage 2: Assess The Impact
Create the foundations for positively engaging impacted populations and rive readiness for change through a true understanding of the current state.
Building From the Foundations
Without this knowledge and understanding of the current positioning a successful plan can not be implemented and achieved. You must understand the root concerns and pressures, this can be done through questioning, such as:
What is causing the change?
Are there internal pressures, such as new leadership?
Are external stakeholders creating change internally, such as new developments in the industry or competitors?
Stage 3: Transform Behaviour
Implement the new reality for employees and deliver a programme for learning and support. This should embed a commitment to new ways of working.
Communication of Change
Transforming the behaviour towards the new change requires clear and focused communication between leadership and employees. You must be able to communicate and deliver training and support to two very different audiences:
Audience One – Team and Employees
The individuals who sit within this audience must understand the needs for the change. This should be broken down into how it affects the company as a whole, but also their role and their responsibilities. Understanding their concerns and fears to help improve their response to the coming change.
Audience Two – Key Stakeholders
Any changes to the overall management plan will affect the key stakeholders. The key stakeholders within your organisation structure could be top executive management or the board of Directors. It is important to convince these individuals of the proposed change or keep informed of the development of change within the organisation levels.
Stage 4: Sustain Performance
Measure progress, celebrate and build on successes and look beyond immediate horizons to sustain future performance.
Prepare for Setbacks
Within any organisational change management process there should be preparations for setbacks. In order to sustain the performance of the company’s vision, you should be ready for these.
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