What is Change Proud?
Change Proud is a change management learning and resources platform providing a comprehensive change management training programme. The training includes 8 modules covering all aspects of the change discipline, each with its own explainer video. There are also several downloadable, editable templates. Change Proud is suitable for anyone wishing to learn about and effectively deliver change management.
How do I know if Change Proud is right for me?
Whether you’re in the midst of managing business change right now and are looking for some additional advice and support, or, if you’re completely new to change management and want to learn from scratch- Change Proud is right for you. The learning material is comprehensive, catering for completely new learners, as well as practical, providing you with the option to jump straight into any topic that’s causing you challenges if you’re looking for reassurance and guidance.
How does the training work?
The training consists of 8 training modules, all of which are presented within PowerPoint, giving you the option to move through the content at your own pace. Each module also has an accompanying explainer video, providing further explanation as to the content of each module to help you ensure you’ve understood the content and how to apply the learning. All explainer videos are narrated by Victoria Proud- Founder of Change Proud and a Chartered Occupational Psychologist with 20+ years’ experience in the field of change management. The training also comes with several downloadable and editable templates which you can take away and use straight away! The templates are signposted throughout the training so you know when to use them.
Can I access the content on my mobile?
Yes! All Change Proud content is accessible via mobile. However, it is advisable to download the templates on a PC.
Do I have to complete the training in a particular order?
Not necessarily, as there are no prerequisites between modules, however, the training modules do follow a sequential order from 1 -8, and, if you are entirely new to change management we advise following the modules in the order in which they are presented. If you’d prefer to dive straight into a particular topic, or move between topics in a non-sequential order, you are also free to do this. You can also revisit any part of the training at your leisure and you’ll have lifetime access to all content. With regards to the explainer videos, we advise that you read the training content for each module before watching the explainer video for a given module.
How do I download the templates?
All templates can be downloaded and saved by right clicking on the template and selecting “save as”…
How long are the explainer videos?
The explainer videos vary in length from 3 minutes to 20 minutes, depending on how extensive the content is. The length of each video is visible on the video progress bar, as well as within each module at the point at which you are guided to watch the videos.
Can I purchase access to Change Proud for my team?
Yes! On the purchase page you will see pricing options for groups. If you purchase a group package, you will then be able to go into your account to add your additional users.
What does lifetime access mean?
You will have access to Change Proud’s content via your login forever! Or at least as long as Change Proud is in existence, which is hopefully a very long time indeed.
Is there a certificate of completion and do I need to do to get one?
Yes! A certificate of completion will be provided upon successful completion of the Change Proud assessment. For more information on the assessment please see the FAQ: How does the Change Proud assessment and certification process work?
Is this training certified?
As a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and change practitioner, Victoria Proud has certified that the change management training provided by Change Proud meets the recognised standards of effective, foundational knowledge and practice in this specialist area. For more information please visit our T&C’s
How does the Change Proud assessment and certification process work?
The Change Proud assessment is an optional component of the programme enabling you to evidence your learning and receive a certificate of completion. You must successfully pass the assessment in order to receive your certificate. Here are the details:
1). Complete a short, online test of 10 questions designed to determine whether you have understood and retained the key knowledge areas covered by the training programme. You will find the assessment within the members area.
2). The test should take no longer than 5-10mins to complete and consists of multiple choice questions.
3). You must get 80% of the questions correct in order to pass. You can retake the test as many times as required in order to pass.
4). You will then receive a certificate of completion to demonstrate that you have successfully completed the Change Proud training programme and have gained a foundational level of knowledge in the change management discipline. The certificate will be emailed to you in pdf format which you can then save and print as you wish.
5). The assessment is not compulsory- you can complete all the learning modules within the programme and not take the assessment if you wish.
6). You can take the assessment at any time, regardless of whether you’ve read all the training content.
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You can email us at discover@changeproud.com