How to Create a Change Approach

Change Approach

What is a Change Approach:

When we talk about a change approach, we mean a high-level framework that outlines how to embed change in the business. This framework serves as a guide for internal use, providing a consistent method for handling changes. One example is Kotter’s Eight Steps, a common change management methodology, which illustrates the activities involved in embedding change.

Change Management Approach Examples:

1. Kotter's Eight Steps:
  • Creating urgency.

  • Building a vision and coalition.

  • Communicating change.

  • Upskilling people.

  • Building quick wins.

  • Sustaining change.

2. Change Proud Change Management Framework:

*Create the Vision:

  • Build a vision for the future.

  • Align leaders.

  • Create a strategy and plan.

*Assess the Impact:

  • Understand how the change will land.

  • Determine the impact on people.

  • Define the change response.

*Transform Behaviour:

  • Deliver change responses.

  • Implement communications and engagement.

  • Conduct training and leadership role modelling.

*Sustain Performance:

  • Track progress and measure benefits.

  • Ensure long-term change sustainability.

Purpose of a Change Approach:​

A change approach provides a common framework for executing change consistently within the organization. It serves as a reference point for training, stakeholder engagement, and ensuring a unified approach to change management.


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