How to do Stakeholder Assessment

Stakeholder Assessment

Stakeholder assessment is ultimately about identifying and managing any stakeholders that are going to be impacted by or have an influence over your change project or program, and there are ultimately four steps that you should go through:

Step 1: Identify

Identifying who those key individuals or groups are that would be considered a stakeholder in your project. This includes both internal and external stakeholders, such as clients, regulatory bodies, leadership, management layers, and employees. List out all your stakeholders by individuals plus groups.

Step 2: Analyse

This involves looking at the impact or influence they have:

  • Impact refers to the degree of impact the change will have on them 

  • Influence refers to the degree of influence they will have on the success of the programme

List your stakeholders in terms of individuals or groups and start to think about their role, location, key priorities, and issues. Assess their level of impact and influence as high, medium, or low.

Step 3: Stakeholder Mapping

Stakeholder mapping may not always be necessary, but for large-scale changes, it’s useful. Create a visual map with four quadrants based on high or low levels of influence and impact. This helps identify the engagement approach needed for each stakeholder. 

Step 4: Stakeholder Engagement

Once stakeholders are mapped, respond accordingly. There are four quadrants: 

  1. actively engage

  2. inform and satisfy

  3. stay close

  4. keep informed

Tailor your engagement approach based on where stakeholders fall in terms of impact and influence. So overall, stakeholder assessment is a core component in managing your change project or program, considering various stakeholders with vested interests or impacts. It involves understanding roles, locations, and priorities, and tailoring engagement strategies accordingly.

For further detail sign-up to the Change Proud programme now. 

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